You don't exist to be a great place to work, but being a great workplace can move you closer to the reason you do exist. The best places to work are those where people have the right skills, applied to the right job and where people have an exciting future.
Ask us about:
· Enhancing your employment value proposition
· Becoming more appealing to the best talent in your sector.
· Identifying key and emerging talent
· Linking development to organisational goals and needs
· Creating a learning organisation
Choosing the right people starts by attracting the best people. If those posts on and Linked In aren’t bringing in lots of great candidates, Blue Forge can help you identify why those first class candidates aren’t applying and formulate a plan to become the best place to work in your sector. Pro tip: you don't need to buy a ping pong table for your lunch room.
Selecting people is hard but even if you only ever allow the very best people to join your organisation, their needs will change over time just as yours will. The sad truth is many selection tools aren't much more accurate than picking names of qualified people from a hat. Blue Forge can design competency profiles and selection methodology to suit your organisation that enable you to employ and promote the most appropriate people.
Of course we can help you get better at making those selection choices, but more importantly we can help you grow your own.
Your people are on a career trajectory, we can create simple and effective processes that ensure your people have meaningful and realistic career aspirations that are consistent with your mission and are supported by an effective development plan. Ask us about developing a learning organisation and creating development plans that directly support your organisational objectives.
While you are attracting, choosing and growing an excellent group of people, you might find there are some people who don’t fit any longer. Often it’s no one’s fault, some situations don’t work or stop working, your employee is showing up and doing the minimum but no longer has a fire in their belly. This can be some of the most challenging circumstances for an organisation. You can do nothing and let morale suffer but what options do you have? Don’t get me wrong, there are lots of ways to manage this type of situation badly, but we already established you are driven by values or you wouldn’t be here. One of the most satisfying experiences you can have as a leader is enabling a dissatisfied person to find their career sweet spot, even if that is outside the organisation. Blue Forge can help develop respectful, realistic and repeatable systems to help your employees be successful – even those who no longer want to work for you.
Your employees are on a career trajectory, the better your capacity to understand their capabilities and aspirations, the more effectively you can invest in their development.
Armed with a reliable estimation of potential, Blue Forge can then help you craft a succession matrix and to understand and plan for any succession risk.
Leadership that is effective and consistent with your values is something you can't buy. The good news is that you can grow it yourself. Doing so will create a rich pool of developing leaders who will not only grow into your future leadership roles but will add depth to your team. The extra benefit here is that your people can see a career path and development path, keeping your best people working for you at their best.